Smart cities, smart mobility, and smart energy

The investment in a set of systems that interact in an intelligent way, using energy, resources, services, materials in a sustainable way and that enables a better quality of life and spaces, leads to the creation of new strategies and projects, with a view to implementing a cleaner "energy transition" for everyone. 


The CCG/ZGDV Institute relies on experience and innovative technologies that generate a relevant impact in terms of optimizing the allocation of resources, reducing costs and gas emissions, and improving global sustainability. It establishes partnerships with municipal authorities and companies, which intend to integrate these technologies into their operations, products and services.


Challenges and Opportunities


  • Increasing implementation of innovative technologies for optimization and management of resources, with a view to reducing costs
  • Ensures data privacy and IT security, resulting from the vast amount of data collected by sensors and other devices
  • Existence of institutional, financial and cultural barriers to the adoption and integration of new technologies and processes
  • Bridging the digital divide to ensure equitable access to the benefits of smart city technologies
  • Interoperability between different technologies and systems used in smart city applications



  • Increase the efficiency and sustainability of urban infrastructure and transport systems
  • Encourage partnerships between the public and private sectors, in order to leverage their knowledge and resources in the development and implementation of technologies for smart cities
  • Encourage innovation and economic growth through the development and implementation of new technologies and processes
  • Pursue smart city technologies that are more inclusive and accessible to all residents, regardless of their income or background
  • Improving the quality of life of urban residents, through public services, mobility and environmental quality
  • Invest in research and development to drive innovation and stay ahead of the competition
  • Promote public awareness and education to encourage support for smart city initiatives
  • Facilitate access to technology as a driver for more resilient and adaptable cities, better prepared to face existing challenges

Featured projects (8)

Software and business processes
Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and decision support systems
Mobile computing and advanced positioning systems
5G and 6G private networks
Cognitive and collaborative robotics
Human Factors, usability, and UX design
carbon neutrality
Business models for digital economy
Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and decision support systems
Human Factors, usability, and UX design
Information processing for industrial acoustics and alarmistic
Human Factors, usability, and UX design
Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and decision support systems
Machine Learning