Procedure for hiring a PhD - BIM
International selection competition procedure for hiring 1 doctorate under the Legal Regime for Scientific Employment
Ricardo Jorge Silvério de Magalhães Machado, President of the Board of Directors of the Centro de Computação Gráfica, using his own powers by the provisions of the Minutes of Inauguration, dated April 24, 2020, makes it known that, for twenty working days counting from the business day immediately following the one on which this notice is published, international competition is open for recruitment in the form of an open-ended employment contract signed under the Labor Code, of 1 (one ) doctorate place, within the scope of the activity included in the basic public financing of the CCG/ZGDV, as a Technology and Innovation Center, under the Interface Mission of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR), financed by the European Union through the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (MRR), namely:
- Study and develop new ways of interacting with BIM models through the connection between messaging service systems and CDE platforms and IFCs web viewers.
- Develop an advanced web viewer of IFC and CityGML models including augmented reality interaction for communication between an operator and the model database.
- Develop an IDS generator and the consequent IFC validator in relation to the IDS
2. Applicable legislation:
This competition is governed by the provisions contained in Decree-Law No. 57/2016, of August 29th, amended by Law No. 57/2017 of July 19th, which approves a regime for hiring doctorates aimed at stimulating employment scientific and technological in all areas of knowledge (RJEC), by the provisions of the Labor Code, approved Law no. 7/2009, of February 12, in its current wording and by other applicable legislation and regulatory standards.
The work will be developed at the Computer Graphics Center, Headquarters in Guimarães, under the scientific guidance of Miguel Ângelo Dias Azenha, with the possibility of a hybrid, in-person/remote regime.
The salary amount will be defined according to the role to be performed.
Candidates for the competition may be national, foreign and stateless candidates, with a scientific and professional CV that reveals a profile suitable for the activity to be carried out, with the following requirements:
a) PhD degree in areas of Civil Engineering, Architecture, IT or related areas;
b) Proficiency in spoken and written English;
c) Professional experience in the areas of information management, object-oriented programming in Python , Javascript and/or PHP and building modeling;
d) Strong object-oriented programming skills;
e) Excellent work capacity and team dynamism;
f) High oral and written communication skills.
Applications are formalized by means of a request addressed to the Management of the Computer Graphics Center, under the terms defined in the attached model.
6.1. The application is accompanied by documents proving the conditions set out in points 5 and 10, namely:
a) Copy of degree certificate or diploma. If the qualification was granted by a foreign higher education institution, it must be recognized by a Portuguese higher education institution, in accordance with the provisions of Decree-Law No. 66/2018, published in the Diário da República, 1st series, n. .º 157, of August 16, 2018, and any formalities established there must be completed by the date of contracting;
b) Detailed and structured CV in accordance with the items in point 10;
c) Document proving professional experience;
d) Motivation letter describing the relevance of the scientific path and other activities carried out for the functions to be performed;
e) At least two letters of recommendation;
f) Copy of the 3 publications in the areas relevant to the application;
g) Any other documents the candidate considers relevant, namely for assessing the information referred to in paragraph 2 of article 5 of the RJEC.
6.2. Candidates must submit the application and supporting documents, in digital format, in PDF format, obligatorily electronically, to the email address by September 30, 2024, indicating in the subject the reference CTEC/24_CTI _001.
6.3. The law will punish false statements made by candidates.
The competition jury, approved at a meeting of the Management of the Computer Graphics Center on december 06, 2023, has the following composition, in accordance with article 13 of the RJEC:
a) President of the Jury: Ricardo Jorge Silvério de Magalhães Machado, CCG/ZGDV - University of Minho
d) Effective Member: Miguel Ângelo Dias Azenha, CCG/ZGDV - University of Minho
b) Effective Member: Ana Luisa Alves de Lima, CCG/ZGDV - University of Minho
c) Effective Member: Maria Isabel Brito Valente, ISISE - University of Minho
d) Effective Member: Graça Vasconcelos, ISISE - University of Minho
e) Substitute Member: José Manuel da Sena Cruz, ISISE - University of Minho
f) Alternate Member: Daniel Vitorino de Castro Oliveira, ISISE - University of Minho
The Jury's deliberations are taken by nominal vote based on the adopted and published selection criteria, with abstentions not permitted.
8.1. Minutes are drawn up at the jury meetings, which contain a summary of what occurred during them, as well as the votes cast by each member and their reasons, and are provided to candidates whenever requested.
Candidates who incorrectly formalize their application or who do not meet the admission requirements set out in points 5 and 6.1 are excluded from admission to the competition. of this competition. The jury has the right to require any candidate, in case of doubt, to present documents proving their statements.
9.1. The exclusion decision is notified to the candidates, by email, to hold the hearing for interested parties.
9.2. After the deadline for the interested parties to exercise their right to a hearing, the jury assesses the allegations made and, if the exclusion decision is upheld, it notifies the excluded candidates by email with a delivery receipt. notification, starting the application of selection methods to admitted candidates.
The selection method is Curricular Assessment weighted at 90% and an Interview weighted at 10%.
10.1. Curricular Assessment (CA) focuses on relevance, quality and timeliness, taking into account: i. Scientific and technological production; ii . Publications and research activities developed in the last five years and considered to have the greatest impact by the candidate;
10.2. The five years referred to in the previous number may be increased by the jury, at the request of the candidate, when based on suspension of scientific activity for socially protected reasons, namely, for reasons of parental leave, serious illness prolonged period, and other legally protected situations of unavailability for work.
10.3. Curricular Assessment (AC): The following parameters and evaluation criteria are considered: Scientific and Technological Production (PC) in the competition's area of specialization; Publications and Research Activities (AI) in the competition’s area of specialization; Letter of Motivation (CM). The final AC classification, considering the weight of the different parameters, is obtained by the following formula: AC = 0.40PC + 0.50AI + 0.10CM.
a) PC corresponds to the evaluation of the candidate's scientific and technological production in the competition's area of specialization. PC = up to 20 values.
b) AI corresponds to the evaluation of research activities carried out in the last five years in the area of specialization of the competition. This parameter includes (i) supervision/co-supervision of master's degrees, doctorates and post-doctorates, ( ii ) participation in R&D and knowledge transfer projects. AI = up to 20 values.
c) CM describes the relevance of the scientific path and other activities carried out for functions to be performed in the competition's area of specialization: CM = up to 20 points.
10.4. The classification obtained in the parameters defined in point 10.3, by each member of the jury, is expressed on a numerical scale from 0 to 20 values, considered up to the first decimal place.
10.5. The classification of each candidate in AC is obtained by averaging the classifications of each member of the jury. In the event of a tie, the tiebreaker decision will be made by the jury president.
10.6. For candidates with an AC equal to or greater than 15.0, the evaluation process includes an Interview (ENT), aiming to obtain clarifications and explanations about the curricular elements and additional information, as well as evaluating the attitude profile and the candidate’s motivation.
10.7. Candidates with an absolute merit score lower than those foreseen in the previous point are immediately considered excluded.
10.8. In the ENT, lasting up to 15 minutes, the following parameters and evaluation criteria will be applied: the candidate's motivation (MC) and global appreciation (AG), represented in the formula ENT = 0.50MC + 0.50AG .
10.9. The classification obtained in the parameters defined in point 10.8, by each member of the jury, is expressed on a numerical scale from 0 to 20 values, considered up to the first decimal place.
10.10. The position can only be awarded to candidates whose final classification is equal to or greater than 15.0, in the weighted average between AC (90%) and ENT (10%).
10.11. The classification of each candidate is obtained by averaging the classifications of each member of the jury. In the event of a tie, the tiebreaker decision will be made by the jury president.
The ordering of candidates must be based on the assessment made of by the evaluation criteria contained in this notice.
11.1. After completing the application of the evaluation criteria, the jury prepares the list order of successful candidates with their respective classifications.
11.2. The final classification of candidates is expressed on a numerical scale of 0 to 20 values, with the classification obtained through the weighted average, rounded to the nearest hundredth.
The final ordering is notified to the candidates, by email with delivery receipt of the notification, to comment to hold the hearing for interested parties, by article 121 et seq. of the Code of Administrative Procedure.
12.1. Once the hearing of interested parties has taken place, the jury assesses the allegations made and approves the final ranking list of approved candidates. Within 90 days, counting from the deadline for submitting applications, the jury's final decisions are made.
12.2. The final deliberation of the jury is approved by the Management of the Computer Graphics Center, which is also responsible for deciding on the hiring process.
The list of admitted and excluded candidates, as well as the list of Final ordering of successful candidates, is published on the page of the Computer Graphics Center, with candidates notified by mail electronic document with notification delivery receipt.
14. This competition is intended exclusively to fill the indicated vacancy and may end until approval of the final ordering list of candidates and expires with the respective occupation of the job on offer.
15. This opening notice was approved by the competition Jury at its meeting on March 13, 2023, according to the minutes of the meeting approved there in draft form.
16. Policy of non-discrimination and equal access The Center for Computer Graphics actively promotes a policy of non-discrimination and equal access, meaning that no candidate can be privileged, benefited, harmed or deprived /of any right or exempt from any duty due to, in particular, ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family situation, economic situation, education, origin or social condition, genetic heritage, reduced work capacity, disability, chronic illness, nationality, ethnic origin or race, territory of origin, language, religion, political or ideological beliefs and trade union membership.
The CCG/ZGDV Institute,
Hon. Sir
President of the Board of Directors of CCG/ZGDV Institute
[Candidate's name], [date of birth], holder of citizen card no. [no.], resident at [address], mobile phone no. [mobile no.] email address [email contact], educational qualifications [qualifications] requests, Your Excellency would be pleased to accept your candidacy for the international competition for recruitment in the form of an employment contract for an uncertain term concluded under the Labor Code and Decree-Law nº 57/2016, of 29 August, amended by Law No. 57/2017, of July 19, of 1 PhD place with experience in the areas of [area] for the Development of [Project] with Ref . [ reference of this vacancy]
You further declare that you agree to receive communications and notifications arising from this competition procedure via email.
Attach the following documents:
[Mention the documents you will attach]
[Place and date]
[Candidate name]
If you are a dynamic, professional person, with team spirit and a desire to innovate, send us your spontaneous application.