Home Communication CCG/ZGDV participates in conference on digitalization
CCG/ZGDV participates in conference on digitalization
30 November, 2023

The Conference i4.0 - Operational Excellence via Shop Floor Digitization, organized by KPMG Portugal in partnership with PRODUTECH and ProGrow, took place at the Hotel Crowne Plaza, in Porto, on the 28th of November, and aimed to showcase, in a In practice, how can industrial companies overcome their operational limitations and overcome challenges such as insufficient data and monitoring.

The Technical Director of CCG/ZGDV, Ana Lima, and on behalf of PRODUTECH DIH (Digital Innovation Hub), was one of the guests at a round table where difficulties in the industry and digitalization as a promoter of efficiency in the value chain were discussed. It also included representatives from companies such as ProGrow, Quantal S.A., Frezite Metall Tooling and KPMG.

A sharing of knowledge where success stories and practical measures already implemented to promote operational efficiency were presented, in an event marked by technology, in the search for high levels of operational efficiency, where industrial companies are often faced with limitations to level of decision making.