Agriculture and Forestry Industry


This sector is facing increasing challenges, especially in food production. AI algorithms can mitigate the threat of natural resource devastation due to overconsumption and waste by building more sustainable practices. 

Implementing computer vision technologies to track objects and detect anomalies improves product quality and business efficiency and reduces the climate change impact.


The CCG/ZGDV Institute has the capacity to develop AI algorithms to analyze large volumes of data on the phenological development of crops and agronomic practices. These algorithms support producers in their decision-making to increase productivity and reduce production costs. This technology can help optimize the use of water and fertilizers and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Deep learning expertise enables the CCG/ZGDV to develop platforms for object recognition, semantic classification, and modeling using geospatial data. Skills in robotics can be used in agricultural development, particularly in precision agriculture.

AR and VR technologies enable the CCG/ZGDV to provide the development of tools for detailed visualization of the state of crops, together with Web3D techniques and spatial data infrastructures, to promote interaction between producers and IT platforms. 






  • Increased confidence on the part of producers in the acceptance of "Precision Farming", the recovery of their investment, and the security of the data relating to their crop

  • Development of the technological infrastructure necessary for data collection, processing capacity for large volumes of data and images, and the development of communication channels for producer access to the results of image processing and the recommendations provided by AI (algorithms)
  • Training and educating human resources living in rural and agricultural areas with new tools and ways of doing things, enabling them to make the most of "Precision Agriculture" technologies.

  • Prioritization of agroforestry and food issues in support of viticulture and fruit growing
  • Proximity and connection to the "Supercomputer" at the Azurém Campus, enabling the generation of more dynamic virtual environments and the incorporation of object detection and semantic crop segmentation in images captured by drones and satellites

  • The more excellent territorial coverage achieved with satellite images and the breadth of spectral bands make them a significant source of data for agriculture and other associated areas

  • Installation, at Guimarães, a technology centre dedicated to aerospace research and the "Atlantic Operations Centre", to operate a set of 30 satellites that will be in Earth orbit by the end of 2026



  • Participating in working groups and committees on the priority lines for Agriculture and Food in the Regional Specialisation Strategy for Northern Portugal
  • Establish partnerships with companies and producers to increase the use of technology, taking into account the CCG/ZGDV innovation capacities  
  • Promote specialized training courses for adopting and developing Precision Farming for producers and agricultural service companies, among others.
  • Collaborate with higher education organizations to develop a "Digital Technologies Laboratory for Precision Agriculture"
  • Develop tools to support agricultural production, using extended reality and AI technologies, to monitor and forecast biophysical crop data (disease/pest detection, water management, etc.), facilitating data visualization and decision support.